
Reading for me isn't always easy. I get bored really quickly if the book isn't interesting within the first few pages. Usually, I would have just set the book right back down. Recently though, I have been reading past the first few chapters, which I haven't done since I was little. I read a lot more when I was in elementary school, because my aunt had gotten me the entire Series of Unfortunate Events. I read every single one, right after another. That's the last time I can remember actually reading outside of school assignments. I find myself reading after I get my pajamas on and climb into bed. I turn my night stand light on and get out my book. I can only get in a few pages before I'm dozing off...so some of the time I had trouble meeting the quota of pages for the week. I don't like having a quota for reading, but I guess if I read into why we have a quota, it's a good life lesson. I just like going at my own pace though.
During the semester, I read a variety of books from Tina Fey's Bossypants to Nic Sheff's book Tweak. I normally only read magazines on my own or tweets (lol). I think I want to start reading more often though, just at my own pace and whenever I feel like reading.

Burm Baby, Burn!

The family made it to Mississippi only to come to a complete stop. Already the kids don't like it for various reasons including, it's too hot, boring, too hot, and people half naked. To add to the misery, the family finds out why traffic is stopped after cars start turning around. They reach the pit of the problem. A big truck had flipped over, and is now engulfed in flames. Daniel recognized the driver and ask if that was the man that had helped them pack earlier that day. As Daniel was asking the question, his father put two and two together, that was their truck with their stuff burning.
I could not imagine going to a whole new state and then not having anything and having to start all over. Also his father didn't get home owners insurance while their stuff was being moved, so they have no coverage. When I read that, the devastation and shock the family was feeling came through me as well.


Total pages read this two weeks: 217

I'm reading One Mississippi by Mark Childress as I had mentioned earlier.

Sentences of the Week:
1. "It would take you twice as long, time you went around."
This sentence reminds me of my dad because he is always thinking that he's right.

2. "Just lack I lack it!" (just like I like it)
I chose this sentence because I LOVE accents.

3. "Disorderly noise flooded out of the band hall, drums rat-a-tat-tatting like machine guns, horns and saxes blatting, flutes shrilling..."

Sentence number three is my favorite this week because it reminds me middle school. Although I was never in the band, as you walk down the band hallway this is exactly what you could hear.

New Quotes!


Integration protesters in the south
 During the time period of the book that I have been reading. The school that Daniel moves to has recently integrated. I researched integration last year in U.S. history, and being half black, this subject especially interests me. From what I found out, there were several fights and protesters everyday. Constant police sirens filled the atmosphere. Also, what some people don't realize some African Americans opposed integration of the schools because it implied the inferiority of the black culture. They believed that they should be taught in black schools by black teachers so that the students would better understand, relate, and meet the needs of the students. I could not imagine having to go through such stress and instability everyday of my life. Not knowing what could happen to you that day at school. Sometimes, the black students would get harassed and beat up with no penalty to the ones who beat them up. This is not right in anyway. I am very grateful for growing up in the time period that I'm growing up in. I also have much respect for the people that had to go through that and also want to thank them for being strong and standing up for my culture. Although, I am half white as well, during this time period I would be considered black because of the "one drop" rule. Sad but true.
Personally, I hate race jokes against anyone. Unfortunately its around everywhere. I had a bad experience my freshman year with racism. Kids were telling me that I couldn't drink out of a certain drinking fountain, and asking me if I rode a different bus..I was like are you serious right now? This is the 21st century and you're honestly asking me this? However, it's just made me a stronger person.

Now Reading...................

I'm now reading One Mississippi, a novel by Mark Childress. At first I didn't understand the book. Not that it's a difficult read, but I didn't know when the book was taking place, so it was hard to picture the text. However, I did a little research and it takes place in 1973. This is the time period right after the civil rights movements and integration of schools. The narrator is a 16 year old boy, who's father he says is just about as fun as "Hitler". His father is a traveling salesman, therefore, him and his family live life as a day to day basis...not knowing the next time he will be moving again. Currently, they are living in Indiana (his favorite place he's live so far). When I read that, I was like what????? how? and why? Apparently he likes it because he can ride his back for SO long, and theres no hills that get in his way. He comes home from high school one day, and the family has a meeting in the living room. He knows from past experiences that this can never be good news. His father begins to tell the family, that they are going to move to Mississippi that Monday. I can't even imagine finding out that big of news and then only having until Monday to adjust and pack up. He's probably used to it but still......NO WAY! Although I would be happy to leave Indiana and most of these people that go to Homestead, but I wouldn't know what to do without my friends. It's hard enough trying to fit into one high school, but then switching schools multiple times would be tough on a person.

Close Reading Bingo

long quotation 2. Baker describes as the escalator as "They were the free standing kind: a pair of integral signs swooping upward between the two floors they served without struts or piers to bear any intermediate weight" -TheyCallMeFreshMoney

"uses" 6. The exert The Mezzanine by Nicholson Baker uses high language as he describes the lobby and escalators as, "area of shine where it fell against their brushed steel side panels." -Eddie

written in past tense 7.The Mezzanine, written by Nicholson Baker is elegant, elevated, and also scholarly in the verbs being used. This excerpt was not extremely musical. It was also literal in denotation, as while reading it. Throughout the excerpt Barker used excellent verbs and description to explain all of the sentences.-Let's Start!

talks about how the reader would feel 4. In the excerpt from Nicholson Baker’s novel, The Mezzanine, Baker’s literal tone, but relaxed voiced allows the reader to get inside the mind of the speaker, to be able to really understand what he is thinking. -Notoriously MoFulla 

 This is the best one I came across! 
The dignified formality of Nicholson Baker's The Mezzanine describes the unusual tolerance the narrator feels for escalators in his work place.  -My Everyday Sticky Waffle

The Mezzanine Claim

In the excerpt from The Mezzanine  by Nicholson Baker, he writes with an elevated refinement that is both dignified and straight-forward. There is a chattiness about the writing with words like "black Penguin paperback" and "integral signs swooping upward between two floors". However, they are expressed without ehusiasm. Maybe, they were said nonchanlty, if anything. Yet, the writing is elevated, literally, with "towering volumes of marble and glass" describing what he sees. It is also suggested that the surroundings are lifeless like "radians of black luster" and "needly area of shine" to help emphasize the mechanical feel.

Paranormal Activity 3

This weekend I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 with Amethyst, Bella, Annie, Keyontae, and Harold. I was already nervous about seeing this movie from the previews, but sitting in the theater I was anxious for it to start. I had seen the first and second movie and they had both freaked me out. After seeing the first one, I slept with my parents for a few nights. LBVS. However, I'm a feen for scary movies so I had to see the second one. Then when the third one came out, I was too excited. The cool thing about these movies is that they go in the opposite of consecutive order. The third  movie was probably the best out of all three. It had way more paranormal activity and had more jumpy, screaming, crying, holding your face tight moments. Luckily (sarcasm), I had someone to hold (insider). But anyways, I enjoyed the movie. Surprisingly I'm not all that scared either. I get scared pretty easily, but then again I haven't slept alone since the movie yet.


1. The characters speak in colloquial language, using words such as "silly," "darling chicken-flower," and "wop."  -Keep It Classy

2. The connotation is figurative and lyrical while the sound melodious as it flows along, defying many grammatical laws. -Intrusion of the Soul

3.  The excerpt from Stardust by Neil Gaiman expresses elevated, melodious straightforward diction. For example, "there is one road from Wall, a winding track rising sharply  up from the forest, where it is lined with rocks and small stones," conveys precise description that can easily be pictured -Happy Go Lucky

4. Gaiman’s Stardust expresses a familiar yet rather plain diction that is combined with informative and clear language. -Bookworm Days

5. In Neil Gaiman's Stardust, the rocky terrain and harmonious forest create a high sense of tranquility as one observes the town of Wall.  -The Blog of Epic Proportions

These are my favorite sentences from other people's blogs because they are very specific and descriptive. My personal favorite was mine, actually. It provided and entire sentence from the excerpt, so the reader could understand the paragraph better.

Style Mapping

Authors have a way of setting the mood in a book, novel, article, etc. with diction. The excerpt from Stardust by Neil Gaiman expresses elevated, melodious straightforward diction. For example, "there is one road from Wall, a winding track rising sharply  up from the forest, where it is lined with rocks and small stones," conveys precise description that can easily be pictured.Like the excerpt from Stardust, Blood Meridian, the excerpt by Cormac McCarthy also has ornately formal diction, however, it is also melodiously poetic. The excerpt has a rhythmic flow which is emphasized through various sentences. The sentence "Days of riding where ther rode no soul save he," is poetic in a sense that people everyday do not talk like that. Another writer similar to  McCarthy diction is Shakespeare in the foray that they are both musical and poetic. "This old moon wanes! she lingers my desires,/ Like to a step-dame or a dowager/ Long withering out a young man revenue." is an excerpt from A Midsummer Night's Dream that also expresses everything McCarthy's writing portrays.


I have finished reading Tweak and now I am looking for another book to read if anyone has any suggestions! (:

"Currently" Week #8

Finished Tweak!
Only about 20 pages.

Favorite Sentences of the Quarter

1. " As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster.  You have to be whole and complete in yourself.  No one can give you that.  You have to know who you are- what others say is irrelevant. "

2. "I always get so overwhelmed trying to do everything perfectly."

3. The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more. -Kin Hubbard  (from the blog Banana Smoothie)

Number 3 is definelty my all time favorite because it's so true. Also, in English Lit. we have been reading the Cantebury Tales and one of the themes being Greed.

VBall and Tweak

As of this year I am not playing volleyball anymore. I played since I was about 8 years old, so it's kind of bittersweet. The book Tweak has reminded me to not take anything for granted. Now I will admit that I did take the sport of volleyball and the opportunities for granted. My parents spent thousands of dollars on club volleyball for me to improve and become a better player. I did improve, however, not as much as I could have.
I first got into volleyball because my cousin played and I look up to her so much. I loved the sport until it started becoming a chore. I hated going to practices and even more tournaments. This past year was my last year playing club. But just about every other weekend, I would have to travel to Chicago for a tournament. Honestly, the thing I looked forward the most was the resturaunts, shopping, and going crazy in the hotel rooms with my teamates. Obviously, my head was not in the right place. This kind of reminds me of Nic because he knows what where his focus should be, but it isn't there.

Sideline Article!

I'm still reading Tweak, but I read this magazine article about dreams that I thought was really interesting. Basically it listed 13 facts about dreams:

1. We forget about 90% of our dreams
2. Blind people also dream
3. Everybody dreams
4. We only see faces that we already know
5. Not everyone dreams in color
6. Dreams are symbolic
7. The most common emotion expressed in dreams is axiety
8. You can have 4-7 dreams in one night
9. Animals dream too
10. Body parlysis
11. Men and women dream differently
12. If you are snoring then you cannot be dreaming
13. (idk if this next on is appropriate or not haha) but you can experiance an orgasm in your dream.

"Currently" Week 7

Pages read: 120-300
Total Pages: 180

1. "Sometimes I think she would just prefer it if I was gone completely, so she wouldn't have to deal with me and so her children would be safe."

2. " As long as you look for someone else to validate who you are by seeking their approval, you are setting yourself up for disaster.  You have to be whole and complete in yourself.  No one can give you that.  You have to know who you are- what others say is irrelevant. "
3. "There're a ton of young people at the meetings....it's almost hip to be in recovery here."

I like the first sentence because I can relate to it, my parents don't like us being around family members that use, which is completely undertandable, but sad.

My Weekend

This weekend was sooooooo boring. The highlight of my weekend was watching this Madea movie. lol. That even comes before getting my license. Yeah, that sounds weird, but it comes with too many rules. Therefore I don't want to even use it. Driving isn't that important to me. So yeahh, I did nothing at all!
LOVE MY LIFE happy happy pinch sarcasm.


Tweak is about this boy who never was comfortable in his own skin. He started smoking weed everyday at the age of only 12 years old to deal with some of his issues. Many people believe that marijuana is the gateway drug, which is true in this case. He later became addicted to cocaine and heroine. It also doesn't help that the love of his life is also addicted. Therefore, she's not helping him get back on the right track. Heading down that path, Nic, has been in and out of rehabilitation centers. Although he has seeked help, he always ends up relapsing, stealing from his family, and cheating himself along with those around him. In order for him to keep buying these drugs that make him feel so good about himself, he is pulling money out of his little savings account.
This book has hit home in many ways, unfortunately. I have a cousin who did not have the best childhood in the world. Her mother/ my aunt was abusive, an alcoholic, and drug addict. To this day nothing has changed. However, as a child, my cousin wasn't a child. She was forced to grow up at such a young age, which is apparent in the way she acts today. Ironically, she acts more of a child now then she did back then. She is probably making up for all those years that she didn't get to enjoy. Instead of going out and having a good time with friends, she would be stuck withing the jailed walls of her home. She was forced to cook and be the care taker of her younger brother. Her brother was alway the favorite child. He never did anything wrong, while she could do nothing correctly. If Jessica did something the "wrong way", she was called nasty names or even beaten. One time it was so bad her mother called the school saying she was sick so the teachers didn't see the marks or bruises.
Today, she is a spitting image of her mother minus the physically abusive part. She is constantly choosing the wrong guys to date. Right now, she is dating a 19 year old, while shes 24. In this day and age this isn't uncommon, however, he is NO good. He already has a child by another woman, he has no job, no college education, no car, no house....And I'm just sitting back, thinking where does my cousin think this relationship is going to go? He obviously isn't husband material. She, on the other hand, has a career at McDonalds (which is an accomplishment for her). She has a car, but she is also living with my grandma. Jessica should have enough money to move out, but she's addicted to hard drugs. She used to be a "good size" if you know what I mean. Now, shes probably about 100 lbs. which is an unhealthy weight. It's also very evident in her skin tone, her glossy eyes, and her shady behavior. I just pray for her to realize what she's doing to herself, just like I hope Nic in the book Tweak will get over his addiction.

"Currently" Week #6

Still reading Tweak....and LOVING it.
Pages Read: 35-109
Total Pages: 74


1. "I wonder if I really have come too far to go back."
2. "There's something about outward appearances that has always been important to me."
3. "I always get so overwhelmed trying to do everything perfectly."

My favorite sentences would have to be number three because when I truly care about something, I overwhelm myself to try and make everything perfect. I also, try and please everybody by doing things perfectly which can take a strain on a person. Therefore, I really could feel his emotion when he said this.

Favorite Sentences of the Month/ Currently

Week #5
Total pages: 35
I'm currently reading Tweak by Nic Sheff. So far I'm very intrigued with this book. However, I didn't have too much time to get a lot of reading done.

Sentences of the Month
  1. "If nobody's home climb in through the window." - from the blog To Kill A Mockingjay
  2. The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more. -Kin Hubbard  (from the blog Banana Smoothie) This one is my favorite because this cannot be send any better and is so true!
  3. "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"
1. In the "So Long, Farewell" musical number of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp children's bright  facial expressions, poised choreography, and cooing, melodic music develops the sense of lighthearted pleasure and soothing amusement.

2. In Todrick Hall's "I Wanna Be On Glee," Hall's plea to Glee creator Ryan Murphy shows Hall's inventiveness and artistic talents through the music video's cleverly pariodistic lyrics, assertive instrumentals, and effervescent choreography. - Zengerine

3. Seattle, Washington, CenturyLink Field, Marshawn Lynch had one of the greatest runs of NFL playoff history.  Matt Hassleback takes the snap and hands it of to Marshawn Lynch, the Seahawk's most deadliest weapon. Lynch takes the hand-off and runs up the middle only to meet a few of the Saints' defensive lineman, only to break right through him with his athletic, balanced posture. The sound of the stadium fills with excitement after he breaks through the first four defenders and after he breaks through the last four defenders to score on a 67 yard run, the stadium was so noisy that it would be deafening to a person bypassing the stadium 3 blocks away. To finish it off Lynch dives into the end zone with an astonished and wide-eyed facial expression.

4. In Pride of Cincinnati's Summer of Love, the guard's vibrant, chaotic sound, complimentary choreography, and explosive, passionate expression create a scene of colorful eccentricity.

5. Leonid Afremov's vibrant use of color, flowing appearance, and realistic, silky texture illustrates a feeling of whimsical relaxation and majestic euphoria. -Bud in the Garden

Solo Close Reading

Scenery- beautiful, lovely, clean, homely, light

Facial expression- passionate, alive, beautiful, excited, happy, mocking

Body movement- graceful, poised, natural, poised, confident, fierce

Outfits- beautiful, glamorous, fancy, promiscuous

Tone of voice- aggressive, clear, thundering, passionate, confident


Beyonce's music video known as "Best Thing I Never Had", [shows light, homely scenery, passionate facial expressions, glamorous clothes, and poised, natural body movement], which suggests her enthusiastic and elated mood towards the song.

Favorite Poet

About the Bloath

By Shel Silverstein 1930–1999 Shel Silverstein
In the undergrowth
There dwells the Bloath
Who feeds upon poets and tea.
Luckily I know this about him,
While he knows almost nothing of me.

Last Friday's Post

I took the personality test, but I have no idea what it means. However, some careers that fit my personality are fashion merchandising, psychology, and a physician. Weirdly enough, I've looked into all three of these careers.

Random Fact #3

I believe that when people talk in their sleep, they are possessed. (Thank you Paranormal Activity.)

Random Fact #2

I'm more of a dog person. Honestly, I cannot stand cats!

Random Fact #1

My favorite colors are purple and red.

My Nails Are Still Wet....

So I just got done painting my nails, a nice flashy sparkling purple color, so they are still wet. Therefore, I am typing extremely carefully (as my fingers keep running into each other). I should have thought this one through and painted them after I blogged. Although, I thought they could have started drying as I was typing. Yeah, plan: FAILED.
Anyways, the date that I was suppose to go on....didn't happen. At the time I was beyond furious. I ended up going to the freaking Luers, Southside game. Waste of money and time. The score was 0-57 or somewhere around there. You shouldn't even have to ask who won. Considering Luers is #1 in the state, and has won the State title like 10 years in a row or something like that. On the bright side though I met a couple new friends there. But back to why my date didn't work out. He texts me at 3:30 saying what's up blah blah...I took a nap and didn't text him back till around 6 ish. 2 hours later................NO RESPONSE. I'm kind of getting irritated and call. No answer. By then I was like screw it and called my bestie, and ended up at the game. 9:30, this dude is gunna text me and say some "Whahh chuu on? Lol". You don't understand how mad I was. I couldn't even look at the text. *Delete*. Later that night around 12, I get another text from him saying I stood him up and ishh. GET OUT OF HERE. So, yup, it went down that night. We had our first argument. ha ha, the only thing he had to say after that was "Awhh that was cute, our first argument!" ha ha, I swear stupid stuff like that just gets me, and I wasn't mad anymore. I need to work on that. *shaking my head*


Labor Day Weekend!

View of the Lake
This Labor Day weekend...well...I should say EVERY Labor Day weekend, my family goes up to the lake. And when I say my family, I mean my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. It's a bittersweet weekend for many reasons. First off all those people in one house for three day. Just imagine. And imagine all the food and dishes all those people go through. Just a little side note...we don't have a dishwasher at the lake. Therefore, all the grand kids have to shift, who does dishes. It takes at least an hour, so of course no one wants to do them. However, my loving father of mine (: ALWAYS volunteers me to do them. I've gotten pretty good at washing dishes now, thanks to him. However, enough about the negatives. I'm one of the younger grand kids, so all my cousins are graduated and either in college or graduated. So when we all get together, there is never a dull moment! All the girls sleep in one room, which is a blast. We fight, laugh, hit, scream, kick, talk, throw...all at once! Also, this is the weekend when we close the lake for the winter. Meaning, as we are all catching up, there is work to be done such as, dust, mow, take the dock out (worst part), vacuum, clean the cabinets out, wax the boats and jet skis....so much work. However, it ends up being a lot of fun with all the drama. So I just can't wait for the Freaking weekend!


So I'm sitting  laying here in bed...thinking about how much I don't feel like blogging right. I kinda waited till the last minute to get this done and so here I am...just typing to get 600 words. Instead of blogging a little bit here and there, I thought (keyword= thought) that it wasn't going to be this difficult to come up with a topic to write about. Yeah, I was wrong. My mind is completely on other things right now. Such as, I just went shopping and got some really cute things. (can't wait to wear them). My mom usually doesn't take me out shopping very often, but tomorrow I have a date ^_^. Yes, I'm kind of excited. These are things I would rather worry about than this blog right now:
  • what I'm going to wear
  • how I'm going to wear my hair
  • up or down.
  • Or half up, half down.
  • Curled or straight.
OK, so off that. I just watched the VMA's today. I'm a little late but i haven't really had time for TV lately. Lady Gaga is still awesome. I mean she comes dressed like a man, and acts the part with perfection. I will have to admit I could have cared less about her until the VMA's this year. I think she's awesome for that. Low key though. Chris Brown's performance....AMAZING. His performance was like a timeline of dances going back to the past moves to what people are doing nowadays, ending with his hit Beautiful People. If you haven't heard that song yet, you need to. RIGHT NOW! (below). It made me view people in a more positive way then just judging them from their appearance. I will admit that I have done that before. Who hasn't though? However, I will always be a CBreezy fan for life! Although I don't agree with what he did to Rhianna, that is never okay. That's a whole other post though, so I'm not even going to get into that right now. Another thing that stood out to me with this years VMA's, was the tribute to Britney Spears. It really was amazing. I didn't realize how much of an influence she's had on the music industry. I've been listening to her for as long as I can remember and she's still at the top, like ten years later! Much respect to her.  But anyways...I just thought of a topic to write about so I'm going to make another post!

Cruisin' &+ Crushin'

Broken Heart
This summer, my family took a trip to the Bahamas via cruise boat. It was my first time on a cruise and it was one of my favorite vacations that I've taken. We first arrive to an airport like setting, where you have to go through the security screening and then a big waiting room. Everyone from the boat sits there waiting for your ticket number to be called. Waiting impatiently, I convinced my parents to get our photo taken by the professionals outside the door. As a family, we got our photo taken once. But me...I was so bored I wanted a picture in front of every backdrop possible. After fulfilling my boredom, our number finally got called! Once on the cruise, it's like a whole new world. People everywhere with thick accents from all over the world work on the cruise. They come up to you offering drinks, acting like its just there for you to grab. Little do the oblivious cruise riders know, they will later be charged. However, at that time everything is being done for you, therefore no one is has a care in the world. The best part was the ice-cream machine. Unlimited ice-cream and frozen yogurt 24/7! My brother and I made several trips. Surprisingly, I didn't gain any weight from this trip. Not that I'm complaining. I also had a cruise boo thang too (a really attractive, tan boy)! He was perfect on paper. Too good to be true. I was on cloud 9 the whole week with him. We met awkwardly in the elevator. At first it was just my brother and I in the elevator going to the pool deck. But then Zac (my cruise boo thang) got in the elevator and my brother knowing that I had a crush on him, dashed out. As he was trying not to get smashed between the closing doors he said, "I'm taking the stairs, and my sister likes you btw!" Little brothers... However, this was the beginning of our 4 day fling. We hung out with each other as much as we could. He was such a sweet talker. Smh. We would stay out on the deck and watch storms in the distance. Sometimes play video games in the club (I know, so romantic). Before we had to get off the cruise we exchanged numbers yaadadadahh.. we talk to each other for a week after. Calls me....tells me he wants to marry me and have 3 kids. (he was being dead serious). I got a little scared haha, but I just blew it over like it was nothing. I mean, he lives in Georgia, I live in Indiana so nothing would've happened. He requested to marry me on Facebook. I accept. Almost two days later...he gets a girlfriend. Instead of being mature about it and just letting me know. He makes me look stupid by just cutting me off completely AND THE BEST PART...he deletes me off his Facebook. What a sweetie. Moral of the story...I hate boys. (jk, only certain ones).

I guess I'm not the only one...

Being the age that I am, I feel like all my dad ever does is keep me locked up. He keeps the leash tight, and the collar even tighter. Recently, however, he's loosened the reigns a little bit. He also has a very short lived temper. He always thinks he's right no matter what. And when things don't go his way, you better "watch the F*** out" (in his own words). But turns out, I'm not the only one. Tina Fey's dad acts exactly like mine. One day, her dad got in his head that he wanted to clean the carpets. He was going to do this by renting a rug shampooer. Knowingly, Mrs. Fey said "those things never work". However, he didn't let the rain on his parade effect him. So, him and Tina proceeded to get the rug shampooer along with the shampoo. When they arrived home, Tina was ordered to go outside and play while her dad cleaned the carpets. 5 mins later...Tina hears commotion inside. Her dad was cursing. Objects were being flung everywhichway. He flung the back screen open while throwing the bottles of shampoo on the back porch. The rug shampooer followed in a complete mess. "Your mother...is a witch!" "She cursed me!" The shampooer of course didn't work. "The godd*mn thing is defective." My dad....acts the same exact way. And on top of that he would make it so much more dramatic by letting the hose of the rug shampooer flop around purposely just to aggravate him. GOTTA LOVE EM!