
Reading for me isn't always easy. I get bored really quickly if the book isn't interesting within the first few pages. Usually, I would have just set the book right back down. Recently though, I have been reading past the first few chapters, which I haven't done since I was little. I read a lot more when I was in elementary school, because my aunt had gotten me the entire Series of Unfortunate Events. I read every single one, right after another. That's the last time I can remember actually reading outside of school assignments. I find myself reading after I get my pajamas on and climb into bed. I turn my night stand light on and get out my book. I can only get in a few pages before I'm dozing off...so some of the time I had trouble meeting the quota of pages for the week. I don't like having a quota for reading, but I guess if I read into why we have a quota, it's a good life lesson. I just like going at my own pace though.
During the semester, I read a variety of books from Tina Fey's Bossypants to Nic Sheff's book Tweak. I normally only read magazines on my own or tweets (lol). I think I want to start reading more often though, just at my own pace and whenever I feel like reading.

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