Now Reading...................

I'm now reading One Mississippi, a novel by Mark Childress. At first I didn't understand the book. Not that it's a difficult read, but I didn't know when the book was taking place, so it was hard to picture the text. However, I did a little research and it takes place in 1973. This is the time period right after the civil rights movements and integration of schools. The narrator is a 16 year old boy, who's father he says is just about as fun as "Hitler". His father is a traveling salesman, therefore, him and his family live life as a day to day basis...not knowing the next time he will be moving again. Currently, they are living in Indiana (his favorite place he's live so far). When I read that, I was like what????? how? and why? Apparently he likes it because he can ride his back for SO long, and theres no hills that get in his way. He comes home from high school one day, and the family has a meeting in the living room. He knows from past experiences that this can never be good news. His father begins to tell the family, that they are going to move to Mississippi that Monday. I can't even imagine finding out that big of news and then only having until Monday to adjust and pack up. He's probably used to it but still......NO WAY! Although I would be happy to leave Indiana and most of these people that go to Homestead, but I wouldn't know what to do without my friends. It's hard enough trying to fit into one high school, but then switching schools multiple times would be tough on a person.

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