Labor Day Weekend!

View of the Lake
This Labor Day weekend...well...I should say EVERY Labor Day weekend, my family goes up to the lake. And when I say my family, I mean my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. It's a bittersweet weekend for many reasons. First off all those people in one house for three day. Just imagine. And imagine all the food and dishes all those people go through. Just a little side note...we don't have a dishwasher at the lake. Therefore, all the grand kids have to shift, who does dishes. It takes at least an hour, so of course no one wants to do them. However, my loving father of mine (: ALWAYS volunteers me to do them. I've gotten pretty good at washing dishes now, thanks to him. However, enough about the negatives. I'm one of the younger grand kids, so all my cousins are graduated and either in college or graduated. So when we all get together, there is never a dull moment! All the girls sleep in one room, which is a blast. We fight, laugh, hit, scream, kick, talk, throw...all at once! Also, this is the weekend when we close the lake for the winter. Meaning, as we are all catching up, there is work to be done such as, dust, mow, take the dock out (worst part), vacuum, clean the cabinets out, wax the boats and jet much work. However, it ends up being a lot of fun with all the drama. So I just can't wait for the Freaking weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Your dad and my dad must be friends. He LOVES to make me do the dishes as well!
