My Nails Are Still Wet....

So I just got done painting my nails, a nice flashy sparkling purple color, so they are still wet. Therefore, I am typing extremely carefully (as my fingers keep running into each other). I should have thought this one through and painted them after I blogged. Although, I thought they could have started drying as I was typing. Yeah, plan: FAILED.
Anyways, the date that I was suppose to go on....didn't happen. At the time I was beyond furious. I ended up going to the freaking Luers, Southside game. Waste of money and time. The score was 0-57 or somewhere around there. You shouldn't even have to ask who won. Considering Luers is #1 in the state, and has won the State title like 10 years in a row or something like that. On the bright side though I met a couple new friends there. But back to why my date didn't work out. He texts me at 3:30 saying what's up blah blah...I took a nap and didn't text him back till around 6 ish. 2 hours later................NO RESPONSE. I'm kind of getting irritated and call. No answer. By then I was like screw it and called my bestie, and ended up at the game. 9:30, this dude is gunna text me and say some "Whahh chuu on? Lol". You don't understand how mad I was. I couldn't even look at the text. *Delete*. Later that night around 12, I get another text from him saying I stood him up and ishh. GET OUT OF HERE. So, yup, it went down that night. We had our first argument. ha ha, the only thing he had to say after that was "Awhh that was cute, our first argument!" ha ha, I swear stupid stuff like that just gets me, and I wasn't mad anymore. I need to work on that. *shaking my head*


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