Paranormal Activity 3

This weekend I went to see Paranormal Activity 3 with Amethyst, Bella, Annie, Keyontae, and Harold. I was already nervous about seeing this movie from the previews, but sitting in the theater I was anxious for it to start. I had seen the first and second movie and they had both freaked me out. After seeing the first one, I slept with my parents for a few nights. LBVS. However, I'm a feen for scary movies so I had to see the second one. Then when the third one came out, I was too excited. The cool thing about these movies is that they go in the opposite of consecutive order. The third  movie was probably the best out of all three. It had way more paranormal activity and had more jumpy, screaming, crying, holding your face tight moments. Luckily (sarcasm), I had someone to hold (insider). But anyways, I enjoyed the movie. Surprisingly I'm not all that scared either. I get scared pretty easily, but then again I haven't slept alone since the movie yet.

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