
Tweak is about this boy who never was comfortable in his own skin. He started smoking weed everyday at the age of only 12 years old to deal with some of his issues. Many people believe that marijuana is the gateway drug, which is true in this case. He later became addicted to cocaine and heroine. It also doesn't help that the love of his life is also addicted. Therefore, she's not helping him get back on the right track. Heading down that path, Nic, has been in and out of rehabilitation centers. Although he has seeked help, he always ends up relapsing, stealing from his family, and cheating himself along with those around him. In order for him to keep buying these drugs that make him feel so good about himself, he is pulling money out of his little savings account.
This book has hit home in many ways, unfortunately. I have a cousin who did not have the best childhood in the world. Her mother/ my aunt was abusive, an alcoholic, and drug addict. To this day nothing has changed. However, as a child, my cousin wasn't a child. She was forced to grow up at such a young age, which is apparent in the way she acts today. Ironically, she acts more of a child now then she did back then. She is probably making up for all those years that she didn't get to enjoy. Instead of going out and having a good time with friends, she would be stuck withing the jailed walls of her home. She was forced to cook and be the care taker of her younger brother. Her brother was alway the favorite child. He never did anything wrong, while she could do nothing correctly. If Jessica did something the "wrong way", she was called nasty names or even beaten. One time it was so bad her mother called the school saying she was sick so the teachers didn't see the marks or bruises.
Today, she is a spitting image of her mother minus the physically abusive part. She is constantly choosing the wrong guys to date. Right now, she is dating a 19 year old, while shes 24. In this day and age this isn't uncommon, however, he is NO good. He already has a child by another woman, he has no job, no college education, no car, no house....And I'm just sitting back, thinking where does my cousin think this relationship is going to go? He obviously isn't husband material. She, on the other hand, has a career at McDonalds (which is an accomplishment for her). She has a car, but she is also living with my grandma. Jessica should have enough money to move out, but she's addicted to hard drugs. She used to be a "good size" if you know what I mean. Now, shes probably about 100 lbs. which is an unhealthy weight. It's also very evident in her skin tone, her glossy eyes, and her shady behavior. I just pray for her to realize what she's doing to herself, just like I hope Nic in the book Tweak will get over his addiction.

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