
1. The characters speak in colloquial language, using words such as "silly," "darling chicken-flower," and "wop."  -Keep It Classy

2. The connotation is figurative and lyrical while the sound melodious as it flows along, defying many grammatical laws. -Intrusion of the Soul

3.  The excerpt from Stardust by Neil Gaiman expresses elevated, melodious straightforward diction. For example, "there is one road from Wall, a winding track rising sharply  up from the forest, where it is lined with rocks and small stones," conveys precise description that can easily be pictured -Happy Go Lucky

4. Gaiman’s Stardust expresses a familiar yet rather plain diction that is combined with informative and clear language. -Bookworm Days

5. In Neil Gaiman's Stardust, the rocky terrain and harmonious forest create a high sense of tranquility as one observes the town of Wall.  -The Blog of Epic Proportions

These are my favorite sentences from other people's blogs because they are very specific and descriptive. My personal favorite was mine, actually. It provided and entire sentence from the excerpt, so the reader could understand the paragraph better.

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