"Currently" Week #6

Still reading Tweak....and LOVING it.
Pages Read: 35-109
Total Pages: 74


1. "I wonder if I really have come too far to go back."
2. "There's something about outward appearances that has always been important to me."
3. "I always get so overwhelmed trying to do everything perfectly."

My favorite sentences would have to be number three because when I truly care about something, I overwhelm myself to try and make everything perfect. I also, try and please everybody by doing things perfectly which can take a strain on a person. Therefore, I really could feel his emotion when he said this.

Favorite Sentences of the Month/ Currently

Week #5
Total pages: 35
I'm currently reading Tweak by Nic Sheff. So far I'm very intrigued with this book. However, I didn't have too much time to get a lot of reading done.

Sentences of the Month
  1. "If nobody's home climb in through the window." - from the blog To Kill A Mockingjay
  2. The hardest thing is to take less when you can get more. -Kin Hubbard  (from the blog Banana Smoothie) This one is my favorite because this cannot be send any better and is so true!
  3. "What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail?"
1. In the "So Long, Farewell" musical number of the Sound of Music, the Von Trapp children's bright  facial expressions, poised choreography, and cooing, melodic music develops the sense of lighthearted pleasure and soothing amusement.

2. In Todrick Hall's "I Wanna Be On Glee," Hall's plea to Glee creator Ryan Murphy shows Hall's inventiveness and artistic talents through the music video's cleverly pariodistic lyrics, assertive instrumentals, and effervescent choreography. - Zengerine

3. Seattle, Washington, CenturyLink Field, Marshawn Lynch had one of the greatest runs of NFL playoff history.  Matt Hassleback takes the snap and hands it of to Marshawn Lynch, the Seahawk's most deadliest weapon. Lynch takes the hand-off and runs up the middle only to meet a few of the Saints' defensive lineman, only to break right through him with his athletic, balanced posture. The sound of the stadium fills with excitement after he breaks through the first four defenders and after he breaks through the last four defenders to score on a 67 yard run, the stadium was so noisy that it would be deafening to a person bypassing the stadium 3 blocks away. To finish it off Lynch dives into the end zone with an astonished and wide-eyed facial expression.

4. In Pride of Cincinnati's Summer of Love, the guard's vibrant, chaotic sound, complimentary choreography, and explosive, passionate expression create a scene of colorful eccentricity.

5. Leonid Afremov's vibrant use of color, flowing appearance, and realistic, silky texture illustrates a feeling of whimsical relaxation and majestic euphoria. -Bud in the Garden

Solo Close Reading

Scenery- beautiful, lovely, clean, homely, light

Facial expression- passionate, alive, beautiful, excited, happy, mocking

Body movement- graceful, poised, natural, poised, confident, fierce

Outfits- beautiful, glamorous, fancy, promiscuous

Tone of voice- aggressive, clear, thundering, passionate, confident


Beyonce's music video known as "Best Thing I Never Had", [shows light, homely scenery, passionate facial expressions, glamorous clothes, and poised, natural body movement], which suggests her enthusiastic and elated mood towards the song.

Favorite Poet

About the Bloath

By Shel Silverstein 1930–1999 Shel Silverstein
In the undergrowth
There dwells the Bloath
Who feeds upon poets and tea.
Luckily I know this about him,
While he knows almost nothing of me.

Last Friday's Post

I took the personality test, but I have no idea what it means. However, some careers that fit my personality are fashion merchandising, psychology, and a physician. Weirdly enough, I've looked into all three of these careers.

Random Fact #3

I believe that when people talk in their sleep, they are possessed. (Thank you Paranormal Activity.)

Random Fact #2

I'm more of a dog person. Honestly, I cannot stand cats!

Random Fact #1

My favorite colors are purple and red.

My Nails Are Still Wet....

So I just got done painting my nails, a nice flashy sparkling purple color, so they are still wet. Therefore, I am typing extremely carefully (as my fingers keep running into each other). I should have thought this one through and painted them after I blogged. Although, I thought they could have started drying as I was typing. Yeah, plan: FAILED.
Anyways, the date that I was suppose to go on....didn't happen. At the time I was beyond furious. I ended up going to the freaking Luers, Southside game. Waste of money and time. The score was 0-57 or somewhere around there. You shouldn't even have to ask who won. Considering Luers is #1 in the state, and has won the State title like 10 years in a row or something like that. On the bright side though I met a couple new friends there. But back to why my date didn't work out. He texts me at 3:30 saying what's up blah blah...I took a nap and didn't text him back till around 6 ish. 2 hours later................NO RESPONSE. I'm kind of getting irritated and call. No answer. By then I was like screw it and called my bestie, and ended up at the game. 9:30, this dude is gunna text me and say some "Whahh chuu on? Lol". You don't understand how mad I was. I couldn't even look at the text. *Delete*. Later that night around 12, I get another text from him saying I stood him up and ishh. GET OUT OF HERE. So, yup, it went down that night. We had our first argument. ha ha, the only thing he had to say after that was "Awhh that was cute, our first argument!" ha ha, I swear stupid stuff like that just gets me, and I wasn't mad anymore. I need to work on that. *shaking my head*


Labor Day Weekend!

View of the Lake
This Labor Day weekend...well...I should say EVERY Labor Day weekend, my family goes up to the lake. And when I say my family, I mean my aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. It's a bittersweet weekend for many reasons. First off all those people in one house for three day. Just imagine. And imagine all the food and dishes all those people go through. Just a little side note...we don't have a dishwasher at the lake. Therefore, all the grand kids have to shift, who does dishes. It takes at least an hour, so of course no one wants to do them. However, my loving father of mine (: ALWAYS volunteers me to do them. I've gotten pretty good at washing dishes now, thanks to him. However, enough about the negatives. I'm one of the younger grand kids, so all my cousins are graduated and either in college or graduated. So when we all get together, there is never a dull moment! All the girls sleep in one room, which is a blast. We fight, laugh, hit, scream, kick, talk, throw...all at once! Also, this is the weekend when we close the lake for the winter. Meaning, as we are all catching up, there is work to be done such as, dust, mow, take the dock out (worst part), vacuum, clean the cabinets out, wax the boats and jet skis....so much work. However, it ends up being a lot of fun with all the drama. So I just can't wait for the Freaking weekend!


So I'm sitting  laying here in bed...thinking about how much I don't feel like blogging right. I kinda waited till the last minute to get this done and so here I am...just typing to get 600 words. Instead of blogging a little bit here and there, I thought (keyword= thought) that it wasn't going to be this difficult to come up with a topic to write about. Yeah, I was wrong. My mind is completely on other things right now. Such as, I just went shopping and got some really cute things. (can't wait to wear them). My mom usually doesn't take me out shopping very often, but tomorrow I have a date ^_^. Yes, I'm kind of excited. These are things I would rather worry about than this blog right now:
  • what I'm going to wear
  • how I'm going to wear my hair
  • up or down.
  • Or half up, half down.
  • Curled or straight.
OK, so off that. I just watched the VMA's today. I'm a little late but i haven't really had time for TV lately. Lady Gaga is still awesome. I mean she comes dressed like a man, and acts the part with perfection. I will have to admit I could have cared less about her until the VMA's this year. I think she's awesome for that. Low key though. Chris Brown's performance....AMAZING. His performance was like a timeline of dances going back to the past moves to what people are doing nowadays, ending with his hit Beautiful People. If you haven't heard that song yet, you need to. RIGHT NOW! (below). It made me view people in a more positive way then just judging them from their appearance. I will admit that I have done that before. Who hasn't though? However, I will always be a CBreezy fan for life! Although I don't agree with what he did to Rhianna, that is never okay. That's a whole other post though, so I'm not even going to get into that right now. Another thing that stood out to me with this years VMA's, was the tribute to Britney Spears. It really was amazing. I didn't realize how much of an influence she's had on the music industry. I've been listening to her for as long as I can remember and she's still at the top, like ten years later! Much respect to her.  But anyways...I just thought of a topic to write about so I'm going to make another post!